Folk Shop

Singing & Dancing Wherever She Goes: Life of Maud Karpeles

Written by the late Simona Pakenham

Maud Karpeles’ biography was published in 2011. A personal friend of Maud’s, Pakenham combined information from a number of sources: Maud’s unpublished autobiography, notebooks, letters and diaries, supplemented by the reminiscences of many friends.

Special offer price!

A Secret Stream


Selected by Nick Dow with notes by Steve Gardham

Musical notation has been transcribed by Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne

A Secret Stream is the first of two volumes of traditional songs collected from English Gypsies and is an important source book for folk singers and musicians and anybody with an interest in Romany and Traveller culture.

It brings together over a hundred mostly unpublished folksongs and tunes, carols, including songs in the Anglo-Romany tongue, collected from English Gypsies by Victorian and Edwardian collectors such as Cecil Sharp, Ella Leather, Lucy Broadwood, George Borrow and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
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Bronze Arts Award

Cecil Sharp House Choir: Twice Good Morning (CD)

Featuring a selection of glorious a capella harmony arrangements of traditional songs from the British Isles and beyond, mostly arranged by its inspiring leader Sally Davies, both the concert and CD will draw on the best of the choir’s repertoire, created over the past seven years since it was established by EFDSS in 2008.

Track listing:
1. Bedlam Boys
2. Lovely on the Water
3. The Outlandish Knight
4. The False Knight on the Road
5.The Handweaver and the Factory Maid
6. Ballad of Grace Darling
7. Shallow Brown
8. Poverty Knock
9. The Oak and the Ash
10. Lovely Joan
11. The Broomdasher
12. Bushes and Briars
13. Woodford May Song
14. Jovial Broom Man

A Century of Song (CD)

A Celebration of Traditional Singers since 1898 released to mark the society's centenary in 1998.

Compiled and edited by Derek Schofield and Malcolm Taylor, who also wrote the notes on the singers and the songs

This collection especially important for any traditional folk song fans for making available the 5 tracks of phonograph recordings made in the first decade of this century. These enable us to have at least a small sample of how folk sang at the time. These tracks whilst lacking in audio quality, pay dividends by repeated listening to them.

Classic English Folk Songs

Selected and Edited by R. Vaughan Williams and A. L. Lloyd

Revised by Malcolm Douglas

First published in 1959 as The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs, this ground-breaking collection reclaimed traditional song from the school and the recital room, and from the ‘evening dress’ into which it had so often been put during the first half of the twentieth century.

Special offer price!

Community Dances CD

A range of tunes to country dance to, can be used with multiple dances.

Buy as a set with the Community Dances Manual

More about the CD, including links to download retailers

2019 Re-release

Community Dances Manual

Revised Edition

Edited by Les Barclay and Ian Jones

A classic collection of English and American social folk dances and tunes. This is a 2015 reprint (with newly designed front cover, new subtitle and additional introduction) of the 2005 revised edition of this well-loved original series of dance instructions and tunes which began in 1947.

The book contains more than 130 English and American social folk dances and tunes for English country dancing, ceilidhs, barn dances and American contra dances; with dance notation and music on facing pages for ease of use. An extensive glossary provides detailed notes on formations, steps and figures for anyone not familiar with the terms used.

Buy as a set with the Community Dances CD

Community Dances Manual Set

Combination of both the book and accompanying CD.

EFDSS Tote Bag

High quality natural cotton, two-sided design tote with long handles.

Demonstrate proudly that you value folk arts at the heart of cultural life in England, by carrying your folk supplies in our branded tote.

Every purchase helps support our work championing folk arts.

Dance to your Daddy

Dual speed folk music for special needs activities.

Music by The Gloworms and Dan and Caroline Hollingshurst
A specialist resource produced primarily for special needs educators. The music is recorded twice at different speeds so that dancers and singers, who need a bit of thinking time, can practise at their leisure and move up a pace at a later time.

Special offer price!

Dear Companion

Compiled and edited by Mike Yates, Elaine Bradtke and Malcolm Taylor

Preface by Shirley Collins

Appalachian Traditional Songs and Singers from the Cecil Sharp Collection.

A collection of fifty-three songs and ballads from Sharp's American collection... together with biographical sketches of the singers and notes on the songs.

Special offer price!

EFDSS Fan Pack

The ideal gift for yourself or a loved one - show your swordlock with this bundle of goodies including a EFDSS tote bag, a EFDSS pencil, the silver swordlock badge and a beautiful postcard of Ivon Hitchens mural in Cecil Sharp House.

English Traditional Dancing (Book)

Instructions for 28 dances in traditional English style for dance beginners of all ages.

Suitable for school teachers, community leaders and home learning families with little or no prior knowledge of English traditional social dancing. Designed to work with the accompanying CD.

Buy as a set with the English Traditional Dancing CD

English Traditional Dancing (CD)

11 dance tunes taken from the book of the same name

Dance List:
1. Circassian Circle (Uncle Bernard’s Polka) - Pesky
2. Galopede - John Kirkpatrick
3. Dorset Ring Dance (Roxburgh Castle and Gilderoy) - Malarkey
4. Three Meet - Pesky
5. Brighton Camp - Heterophony
6. Six Hand Reel (Farewell to Whiskey) - Heterophony
7. Marmhull Dance (Girl with the Blue Dress On and Astley’s Ride) - Pesky
8. Johnny Fetch Your Wife Back (Johnny Get Your Hair Cut) - John Kirkpatrick
9. Turn Off Six (Soldier’s Joy) - Vic Godrich, Helen Morris, Leigh Dyer
10. Cumberland Long Eight (Morpeth Rant & Soldier’s Joy) - Pesky
11. Norfolk Long Dance (The Perfect Cure & Captain Nemo) - Heterophony

Buy as a set with the English Traditional Dancing Book

English Traditional Dancing Book and CD Set

Our best-selling English folk dancing teaching resource!

Fully illustrated with diagrams and new photographs throughout, this rich resource gives clear instructions for 28 English country (ceilidh) dances.

Or you can:

Buy the English Traditional Dancing CD on its own

Buy the English Traditional Dancing Book on its own
Explore Arts Award

Folk Music Journal 2022

Volume 12 Number 2

Folk Music Journal 2022 front cover

Folk Music Journal (FMJ) is a unique specialist scholarly journal. Published by the English Folk Dance and Song Society, it is the annual publication of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. It is edited by David Atkinson.

Drawing on his own extensive experience as a collector, Gwilym Davies explores mouth music for English step-dancing, a practice that that may be quite well known but which has attracted little scholarly attention.
An unusual piece of social history takes the form of the bell harp, or ‘box of bells’, made by Somerset carpenter Eli Coleman, which has come into the hands of Rod Howell, who describes the instrument, its uses, and something of the life of its maker.
A different kind of social history is gleaned by Chloe Middleton-Metcalfe from the description of social dancing in rural Suffolk in the inter-war period provided in Adrian Bell’s 1932 semi-autobiographical novel The Cherry Tree.
John Howson has researched the remarkable life and work of Edward Rushton, who was blind from the age of nineteen but nonetheless campaigned for the abolition of slavery, founded the Liverpool Blind School, and wrote radical poems and ballads which were widely printed.
The final article is a more reflexive piece in which Keith Gregson draws on his own correspondence with Roy Palmer, esteemed folk song scholar and member of the FMJ Editorial Board, who died in 2015. The letters are now in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.
The reviews section is headed by the landmark publication of The Routledge Companion to English Folk Performance edited by Peter Harrop and Steve Roud, a ground-breaking blockbuster with twenty-six chapters ranging right across this journal’s main areas of interest in folk dance, folk song and music, and folk drama.
Other reviews cover dance in Scotland and across Europe, Irish music, shanties, street literature, children’s street songs, local and regional music-making, women, and the FBI(!), as well as Bruce Lindsay’s much-anticipated book on Harry Cox and Sam Larner.
On a more sombre note, there is an obituary of Peter Cooke, distinguished ethnomusicologist and long-standing member of our Editorial Board.

Folk Music Journal 2024

Volume 12 | Number 4

Folk Music Journal 2024 front cover

The English Folk Dance and Song Society has published the 2024 issue of Folk Music Journal (FMJ) the annual scholarly journal of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Editor David Atkinson.

This year’s journal begins with the two trips Maud Karpeles took to the Appalachians to revisit some of the singers she and Cecil Sharp had met when they made their collecting trips in 1916–18. In 1950, not only had times changed in the Appalachians but Karpeles was now accompanied by the American folklorist Sidney Robertson Cowell, and the two collectors’ approaches to folk song differed markedly. Catherine Kiebert Kerst and Brian Peters chart the collecting trip and the singers, and also these changing paradigms for the study of folk song. In 1955, Karpeles was accompanied by her old friend Evelyn Wells, whose company and views she clearly found more congenial.

Joe Oldaker explores morris dancing at Polesworth in north Warwickshire between 1910 and 1915, when a morris ‘troupe’ was started by a local lady, Mrs Fowler. The troupe and its repertoire were influenced by prevailing notions of ‘Merrie England’ and by the teaching of the Espérance Club, but in the end the performances in Polesworth and the neighbourhood were an independent phenomenon, adapted to the local community.

In 1840 three Irish navvies working on the construction of the Glasgow–Edinburgh Railway were convicted of the murder of a ‘ganger’, or foreman. The incident was widely reported in the press and a song was made on the events, though (surprisingly) no print copies have been identified. The song, however, has persisted in the repertoires of a number of traditional singers. Ian Russell uses this framework to explore the notion of ‘truth’ in folk songs, a long-standing focus of scholarly interest going back to the work of Herbert Halpert as long ago as 1939.

The final article this year concerns the songs of Belgian lacemakers. Although the focus of the journal is usually the English-speaking world, on occasion comparative reference can be both fascinating and instructive. Lacemakers in England habitually sang at their work, and their songs ranged across the canon of folk song, but in Catholic Europe the repertoire was much more of a focus of contention. David Hopkin describes the political – ideological – struggle in which the lacemakers of Middelburg in East Flanders
were caught up in the 1840s.

This issue also contains notes on Welsh traditional music and the Goathland Plough Stots.

There is the usual healthy crop of reviews, beginning with Michael Heaney’s eagerly awaited and monumental history of morris dancing. Following the anniversary year in 2022 there are two new publications on Ralph Vaughan Williams, who, of course, did so much to support the work of EFDSS, which we at Folk Music Journal endeavour to continue. There are further contributions on step-dancing, clog dancing, morris in the North-West, and cultural dance in Australia. Songs and revivals are well represented in various guises, both English and American, and there are second editions of a couple of books that may already be known to readers, Robin Morton’s admirable Folksongs Sung in Ulster, and Michael Brocken’s study of the folk revival. The Anglo-Scottish triple hornpipe and the Anglo-concertina both attract attention. So there is something for everyone.

Folk Music Journal

Volume 12 | Number 5

Folk Music Journal 2025 front cover

The English Folk Dance and Song Society has published the 2025 issue of Folk Music Journal (FMJ) the annual scholarly journal of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Editor David Atkinson.

The 2025 issue of the journal will be the last in Volume 12. It kicks off with a study of sea shanties, in particular the much-loved American shanty ‘Shenandoah’, written by acknowledged shanty expert Gibb Schreffler. And nowadays everyone loves shanties, or ‘chanties’ as Gibb prefers, but you’ll have to read the article to find out why. Then that old chestnut, what is folk?, which Peter Harrop tackles from a novel angle by comparing morris and sword dancing with the development of the Northern Soul scene, shedding unexpected light on the matter.

Chloe Middleton-Metcalfe provides an exhaustive study of the origins of the ‘Varsoviana’, the couple dance that will be familiar to many under various titles (‘Shoe the Donkey’, ‘Turkey Rhubarb’, among others), which takes us rattling through Spain, Poland, and the racy world of Parisian salons, ending up on the London stage. For the less terpsichorean and more computer-minded, Mike Boursnell tries out the application of phylogenetic software from his background in biological sciences to tracing the evolutionary trees of Child ballads. Does the transmission of songs stand comparison with the evolution of species?

In ‘Lucky Lukey’s Northsea’ George Frampton brings to life manuscript sources and a series of newspaper columns to shed new light on singing in the North-East fishing village of Cullercoats before the First World War. Sean Goddard’s note revives, or rediscovers, the country dance ‘The Quaker’s Wife’ as played on the anglo-concertina by William Kimber.

Reviews include David Sutcliffe’s major new biography of Cecil Sharp. At last we have an authoritative source for what Sharp got up to. No doubt he will continue to be the target for agenda-driven criticism, but at least the outline of his work collecting folk songs, tunes, and dances is available for all. There is also a new book about the suffragette and morris dance pioneer Mary Neal, with whom Sharp fell out. Equally to blame, it seems. There are books about the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’, the great Scottish singer Jock Duncan, songs collected by the late John Howson, another volume of songs from Gypsies and Travellers, essays on folk songs, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and eighteenth-century street literature. And more, and a handful of films about British customs and Sidmouth Folk Week. As editor, I am ever grateful to everyone who has contributed to making this volume possible, and I trust EFDSS members, and all readers of the journal, will find something to interest them, and perhaps be prompted to submit their own research findings to the journal.
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The Histories of Morris in Britain

Edited by Michael Heaney

This book is not currently available in printed form. You can download the full book as a PDF without charge here.

The Histories of the Morris in Britain presents the proceedings from the two-day conference held at Cecil Sharp House on the 25th and 26th March 2017, organised by the Historical Dance Society and English Folk Dance and Song Society.

Morris is an enduring feature of British culture across more than six centuries, and this conference celebrated the dance form and shared the latest in morris dance research. Topics ranged from the early days of morris dance as found in the Jacobean court, to the revival and formation of women’s sides, alongside explorations of context, costume, and competing art forms.

Ivon Hitchens Mural Postcard

Flexible papercard, gloss front and matt backed - perfect for writing addresses and messages. This postcard shows the wonderful 60ft long Ivon Hitchens mural created in 1954 for our Society home Cecil Sharp House.

210 x 85mm

Also available as part of the EFDSS Fan Pack.

Limited Edition EFDSS Tote

Strictly limited edition (500) tote bag, featuring exclusive artwork by artist and illustrator Luke Drozd. The two-sided design is based on Shirley Collins’ version of Hares on the Mountain, with lyrics printed on the back:

“If all you young men were hares on the mountain, how many girls would take guns and go
Hares on the Mountain, Roud 329

High quality natural cotton tote with long handles and gusset.
Dimensions: 38 x 43 x 10cm

Also available as part of the EFDSS Fan Pack.

Listen to the Band

Dance music from the sound archives

Two CD set, total running time over 2.5 hours

Unlocking the treasures of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.
A chronological compilation of commercial recordings covering the first two periods of English folk dancing revival from the beginnings at the start of the 20th century through the mid 1960s, which span the whole of the era of 78rpm shellac records.
Only bands and orchestras, apart from one piano solo, are included.

Disk 1
1. Rufty Tufty
2. The Butterfly
3. Brighton Camp
4. Argeers
5. Helston Furry Dance
6. Christchurch Bells
7. Galopede
8. Glorishears
9. The Triumph
10. Speed the Plough
11. The Black Nag
12. Lilli Burlero
13. Kirkby Malzeard Sword Dance
14. Maypole Dance
15. Maypole Dance
16. Maids' Morris
17. Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace
18. The Ribbon Dance
19. Soldiers Joy
20. The Dressed Ship
21. Galopede
22. Yorkshire Square Eight
23. Amarillis
24. Hunt the Squirrel
25. Sellenger's Round
26. Steamboat

Disk 2
1. Tunes For The Sleights Sword Dance, Fig. 3
2. American Square Dance Reels
3. The Bishop
4. Nancy's Fancy
5. The Queen's Jig
6. Shetland Isles Marches
7. Corn Rigs
8. The Shrewsbury Lasses
9. Jingle Bells & Johnny's Down The River
10. When Johnny Comes Marching Home
11. English Square Dance Selection
12. American-English Tunes For Square Dances
13. Mony Musk
14. Sicilian Circle
15. The Bonny Breast Knot
16. The Tempest
17. Tunes For Square Dancing
18. Dargason
19. Abram Circle Dance
20. Jack's Maggot
21. Hornpipes
22. Drops Of Brandy
23. Double Lead Through
24. Circle Waltz
25. Fast Reels For Square Dancing
26. Glover's Reel

Special offer price!

Locating Women in the Folk

Perspectives on Women’s Contributions to Folk song, Folklore, and Cultural Traditions is the publication of the conference proceedings

The conference which took place at the University of Sussex in 2018 aimed to place a spotlight on the significant role of women as scholars, singers, collectors, storytellers, dancers and educators of folk across the world.

Marrow Bones

Selected and Edited by Frank Purslow

First published in 1965, Marrow Bones drew on the existence of largely unpublished folk song collections made by Henry and Robert Hammond and Dr George Gardiner between 1904 and 1909, chiefly in Dorset and Hampshire, which are held in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library at Cecil Sharp House in London.

Special offer price!

May Day in England

An Introductory Bibliography

By Roy Judge

The booklet offers some introductory guidance to enquirers about May Day in finding relevant material.

An invaluable guide to the literature on May Day, from its disputed origins to its current practice. Considering the customs associated with May Day, their religious and political aspects, local celebrations, the roles taken by children, sweeps and milk-maids, and links to other folkloric topics such as the Green Man and Victorian ruralism.

Maypole Manual

Mike Ruff and Jenny Read

The Maypole Manual has full colour pictures and diagrams of 19 different dances of accessible and curriculum-relevant content. The manual also includes further information on the origins and history of maypole dancing, inclusion, links to the wider curriculum, music for musicians to play and much more.

Buy as a set with the Maypole Manual CD

Maypole Manual CD

Mike Ruff and Jenny Read

This is the accompanying 14 track CD to the Maypole Manual book. A complete full colour pictures and diagrams of 19 different dances.

Buy as a set with the Maypole Manual

The Maypole Manual Set by Mike Ruff and Jenny Read

The Maypole Manual and accompanying CD by Mike Ruff and Jenny Read has full colour pictures and diagrams of 19 different dances of accessible and curriculum-relevant content. The manual also includes further information on the origins and history of maypole dancing, inclusion, links to the wider curriculum, music for musicians to play and much more.

Or you can:
Buy the Maypole Manual CD on its own
Buy the Maypole Manual volume on its own
Melodeon Deposit
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Morris Hey

By Mike Ruff

Two DVDs, CD and booklet

NYFE Payment

Peggy Seeger

A Life of Music, Love and Politics

by Jean R Freedman

EFDSS Pencil

Special EFDSS Branded Pencil.

Also available as part of the EFDSS Fan Pack.

Room, Room, Ladies and Gentleman - English Mummers’ Play

Published by EFDSS in association with The Folklore Society 2002.

This is a concise introduction to this complex subject and selected texts which represent the various types of play known to have existed within England since records began.

There are also some hints on performing the plays in a school context, or anywhere, for that matter!

Southern Harvest


Edited by Frank Purslow and Steve Gardham

Including the words and music for nearly 300 songs.

An omnibus volume containing The Constant Lovers and The Foggy Dew, completing the series originally edited by Frank Purslow and published by the English Folk Dance and Song Society in the late 60s and early 70s. Foreword by Martin Carthy MBE.

Southern Songster


Selected by Nick Dow

Musical notation by Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
With notes by Steve Gardham

The Hammond and Gardiner manuscripts are amongst the most important nineteenth-century collections of English folk song.

Stepping On

Paperback publication

Papers from a conference held at Cecil Sharp House, London on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th November 2019, edited by Toby Bennett.

Stepping On: A conference on Stepping in Dance was organised jointly by the Historical Dance Society, English Folk Dance and Song Society, Instep Research Team and the Dance Department of the University of Roehampton.

The focus was on various forms of stepping and step dancing with connections to Britain and Ireland, with papers featuring England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Canada and the United States. A number of dance styles were featured, including English clog, Cape Breton step dancing and stepping in social dances, and a broad range of themes was addressed including history, analysis, migration, competition, social dance, reconstruction, music and transmission.

A free PDF download is also available.

See the PDF download page for a list of the papers and speakers.

Still Growing

English Traditional Songs and Singers from the Cecil Sharp Collection

50 songs from the enormous volume of collected works of Cecil Sharp, with music and notes on the singers.

An introduction on Cecil Sharp and English Folk Music by Vic Gammon.

Published by EFDSS in association with Folk South West 2003.

Street Literature and the Circulation of Songs

Papers exploring the production, distribution and use of street literature, including broadside ballads, chapbooks and other cheap printed items.

Swordlock Badge

EFDSS logo Swordlock silver badge.

Also available as part of the EFDSS Fan Pack.

The Making of a Tradition


By Pat Tracey

Edited by Roy Tracey, Christina Tracey and Alison Cannard

The Making of a Tradition: East Lancashire Clog Dancing explores the history of clog dancing by one of its most accomplished performers, Pat Tracey.

The book is lavishly illustrated and contains the notations for many of the dances.

The Wanton Seed


Originally selected and edited by Frank Purslow

Revised by Malcolm Douglas and Steve Gardham with notes by Steve Gardham

The Hammond and Gardiner manuscripts are amongst the most important nineteenth-century collections of English folk song.

Traveller's Joy

Songs of English and Scottish Travellers and Gypsies

Compiled by Mike Yates
Foreward by Norma Waterson

Traveller’s Joy is first and foremost a songbook, a collection of over fifty songs to be learned, sung, and enjoyed by the reader. The intention is to portray the singers and their music with honesty and sensitivity.

Special offer price!

Under No Illusion

Folkus Pocus

Dance music played by Caroline Hollingshurst (violin, flute and recorder) and Dan Hollingshurst (piano)
A combination of Playford favourites, new Playford style dances and Contra dance tune sets. Including previous unrecorded dance tunes and instructions for 3 previously unpublished dances.

Hideaway first recording of a new dance by Gary Roodman, tune by Dave Wiesler
C&J's Jig by Roger Whynot, adapted by David & Kathryn Wright (instructions included)
White Wheat by Hazel Moir (instructions included)
Global Flyer a contra by David Wright (instructions included)
Rinaldo Handel's music for the dance interpreted by Philippe Callens
Mary K by Gary Roodman, with tune by Dave Wiesler
Star of Kintra dance by Trevor Monson, tune by Elvyn Blomfield
Ashokan Farewell a beautiful waltz tune by Jay Ungar
Parson's Farewell
Well Hall
Bouzer Castle
Red House Alterations
Morpeth Rant
Clopton Bridge
Plus Contra jigs and reels

Special offer price!

Understanding Victorian Society Through Dance

Music to accompany the teaching resource

Ballroom dances, country dances, performance dances and clog dance:
The Waltz
The Spanish Dance
The Polka
The Schottische
Highland Schottische
Hart’s Lancers
Galop Finale
Pop Goes the Weasel
Four Hand Reel from Dorset
La Tempêe (The Tempest)
Sir Roger de Coverley
The Triumph
Nine Pins
Castleton Garland
Bean Setting from Headington
Helston Furry Dance
Stave Dance
Sailor’s Hornpipe
Jockey Dance
Skirt Dance
Tambourine Dance
Street Clowns 1
Street Clowns 2
Street Clowns 3
Crossing Sweepers 1
Crossing Sweepers 2
Crossing Sweepers 3
Clog 6 x 8 bar reel practice speed
Clog 6 x 8 bar reel intermediate speed
Clog 8 x 16 bar reel performance speed

Special offer price!

Vaughan Williams and Folk: 150th Anniversary Essays

Edited by Steve Roud and David Atkinson

Published by The Ballad Partners, ISBN 978-1-9161424-6-6

A selection of essays celebrating Ralph Vaughan Williams’ lifelong involvement with British folk song and music – as collector, editor, arranger and composer – many first presented at the Library Conference in 2022.

View Contents

Book cover showing RVW in later middle-age

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