If you hold a membership and wish to renew it, please log in to your account
before adding the item to your basket.
Individual: Life
Aged over 65
Individual: Senior
Aged over 65
Individual: Standard (Practitioner)
Includes Public Liability Insurance
Individual: Standard (Supporter)
Starter (annual)
Please authorise further annual payments by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Alternatively, have you considered the benefits of
full membership?
Starter (monthly)
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Starter (monthly) with £3 donation
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Starter (monthly) with £8 donation
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Joint: Life
At least one member must be aged over 65
Joint: Standard (Practitioner)
Includes Public Liability Insurance
Joint: Standard (Supporter)
Monthly donation of £3
(with no membership benefits)
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Monthly donation of £5
(with no membership benefits)
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Monthly donation of £10
(with no membership benefits)
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Monthly donation of £20
(with no membership benefits)
Please authorise the monthly payment by ticking the 'store my card details' box at checkout.
Group Member
If you are applying to become a new member (not renewing an existing membership), please complete
the new Group member form so we can check your eligibility: your membership will not be confirmed until this has taken place.